Thursday, May 28, 2009

ya . its the last day of sku but i seriously dun have the holiday mood
there are so many holiday hmwk to do
full of activities in the first few weeks
except i am not going for training
i gt fair for conduct
couldnt be changed
therefore ms guo have to see my mother
the only happy thing is i gt top 10 for class
but dun be surprise as the standard for my class is damn low
therefore my lvl pos is 117
but at least there is ppl behind me
improved but there are 2fails
i really gt nth to say
damn tired
hais . work harder next term :D

9:56 PM; untitledBEAUTY | It's complete randomness.Y

Monday, May 25, 2009

i actually have nth to post today but i jus came across my own blog and there is a tag frm an asshole tat i dun noe!!
its YX frm SKSS of class 3E3 hu apparently doesnt have common sense
he came to my tag board and said
HEY WEILING I DUNNO U U DUNNO ME SO DUN COR ME MOUNTAIN(a name tat his classmates cor him) . dotz
is damn pissed off when i saw that cos i dun lyk ppl confronting me
the story goes off lyk tat
yh hu is yx classmate went to my hse one day
used my com
blog hopped to ppl blog and used my name tagging tat yx was a mountain
and therefore he confronted me
reasons he doesnt have common sense
-a person wouldnt cor another names when they dont noe each other
-ppl nowadays are childish but they are a HAM JI because when they say something bad abt another person they dun even have the courage to put their names on the tagboard
-his classmates are sabo kings he mus be understanding tat ppl in his class are will call him names on ppl blog not writing their names as he himself cannot stop ppl frm calling him names when he doent lyk it
he therefore shouldnt be in E3 because his common sense is far too unacceptable
i admit tat i doesnt have the stand to say this as i am in E5 but he seriously could consider dropping to normal acadamics as he doesnt have any common sense
and pls this is my blog if u wanna confront me come to me in person and dun jus tag in my blog cos my blog is not the place u should confront me lyk tat
and if u dunno me u could ask ppl in your class for example ppl lyk weizhuo he will be proud to say tat he noe me
and if u are going to scold me in your very girly blog which is orange in colour if i rmb clearly
scold me for all u wan and u can even put my blog link at the end for ppl to see and i wouldnt give a damn to it cos its your blog and u have the right to post anything u wan in your blog
and therefore pls respect that this is my blog and u dun cum and confront me
and pls do check before u confront anyone cos if u confront the wrong person u will be treated lyk a SUCKER and at that time pls dun cry cos u are in the wrong
ok i purposely write it 2times both in my tagboard and my post because i am afraid tat our dear yx couldnt see as MOUTAIN DO NOT HAVE EYES !!
u forced me but i am not sorry for it

2:47 AM; untitledBEAUTY | It's complete randomness.Y

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I didnt imagaine my days left with 2e2'08 are lesser and lesser by each day, i tot we would continue staying as a class and nth will break us up. But we still have to leave each other we couldnt be staying together all the time, its always the question: what will happen if we were broken up? Will we be as close then or we will go on our seperate ways? But we proved tat even if we were broken up, the strong bonds in us still continue to hold on together, not seperating us. I really enjoy the time we were together. Its this class tat make me up. Its u guys which gave me this character. I cannot imagine mayself not getting to noe all of u. I cannot imagine myself losing this important part of memories. I cannot imagine myself not cuming into this class. I cannot imagine myself losing either of you. If i hadnt noe you all i wouldnt be how i am like now. I may be a completely different person. You guys change me. My character, my life and my everything. We have been studying over the years, we belonged to many many different class but 2E2'08 is the best class i belonged and it will be the one and only class tat no other class can be compared or replaced. If there isnt you guys on earth cuming to this class of ours there wouldnt be me.

8:11 AM; untitledBEAUTY | It's complete randomness.Y

Friday, May 22, 2009

i really miss 2e2'08
is a class tat will make me crazy
make me feel tat friends are important
i use to take things for granted but i really really do miss u guys
awwww ...
i miss the time when we are in chaos when chers are not in
i miss the time when we make fun of one another
i miss the time when we play cards in class
i miss the time when we share secrets
i miss the time when we we bully teachers
i miss the time when we discuss abt exams ans
i miss the time when we cheat
i miss the time when we make fun of couples in class
i miss the time when we quarrel
i miss the time when we go out together
i miss the time when we are united
i miss the time when we celebrate ppl birthdays
i miss the time when we play truth or dare
i miss the time when we slack
i miss the time i had wif u guys
it will be the best time in my whole life
we may quarrel but there isnt be dislikes
we may laugh at each other but there isnt hates
we may be make up of many different character but thats the thing we bond so well
because we noe we are make up of different characters we tend to give in
because we are giving in we care for one another
we have different charcters but there is one thing in common we are from 2e2
the class wif
and our bonds
nothing will ever break us up
we will leave for our future one day
but we will leave our memories jus in our heart abt the class of 2E2 ...

6:13 AM; untitledBEAUTY | It's complete randomness.Y

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ok damien asked me to post here and here i am
tmr will be last paper
i need to study for this
of all test physics is the easiest
to me lah
i really nth to write
i wan go play viwawa
den study den sleep
jiayous for last paper guys ...

3:42 AM; untitledBEAUTY | It's complete randomness.Y

Friday, May 15, 2009

ok is damn long since i post
jus came ard to see and kj tagged me to do a quiz .
kj lucky u gt quiz for me to do if not my blog will not be updated lehh !!
exam started long ago and amaths will fail ss jus pass
today emaths pass
my only hope SCIENCE !!
mus do damn well to pull me up
language oso
today 1o jiu release le
cos today only gt one paper
went to hougang mall eat long john wif yh and all
den went to my hse downstairs play .
played block catching , basketball
will be slacking this 2days
cos mon test science
no need study
damn confident
ya tats all

1) What do you miss eating?
2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
3) Reach your hand out to the right. What do you touch?
4) What time did you sleep last night?
5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
6) What can you hear besides the computer?
7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?
8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
2months ago
9) The last person you were on the phone with?
yingjie bahh
10) What makes you frustrated?
indecisive ppl making a decision
11) What song are you listening to right now?
12) Current mood?
13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
my mother !! not mummy hor . .
14) What's your favorite song at the moment?
15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you sleep?
16) What was the best event that happened last year?
every event wif ex-2e2 ppl
17) Where have you been today?
plaing at my hse there wif yh they all
18) Last thing you ate?
19) Who are you with right now?
my com
21) Do you love sunsets?
i tink so but i prefer rainbow
23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
to get in top 100 in EOY . hope lahh maybe i can squeeze in !! hu noes?
24) Who do you wanna be w/ on the day of your birthday?
25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?
every now and then
26) Things you regret?
i dun regret on my decisions
27) Is there anything else you want to do besides answering this survey?
go youtube
28) Do you miss your past?
ya especially 2E2 ' 08
29) Chocolate cake or brazo de mercedes?
chocolate cake . hu can go invent KINDERJOY CAKE ?! i confirm buy der !!
30) How do you feel right now?
feel lyk slapping u
31) What's your plan next week?
32) Missing someone?
YES !! but not u . . .
33) What's her/his role in your life?
gt alot lehh u toking abt hu ? dun ask stupid question can anot?
34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?
oh pls . hurting ppl especially wif my harsh words is all i do everyday
35) The person who loves u most or the person u love most?
my mother . i wan to hug her now loh !! den go lie on her tummy !! LYK MY PILLOW LYK TAT !! ahahahaha :D
36) In a relationship, rebound, dating, flying solo, whatever?
shut your ass up !!
37) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
dun tell u ! IDIOT !!
38) Ever talked to someone that was high?
idot questions . dun u have any other questions to ask ?
39) What's annoying you right now?
your damn idiotic quiz
40)If Killing is Legal, Would you Kill?
no i wont but u are the exception !!
Tag 14 people to do this quiz

7:11 AM; untitledBEAUTY | It's complete randomness.Y


Music Playlist at

ME ♥

weiling ♥

and yeah my name is weiling
born in singapore on 191094
currently studying in RVPS SKSS
1E2'07 2E2'08 3E5'09
♥ 唐禹哲 ♥ 炎亚纶 ♥ 王子


New Handfone

Better MYE results
Everlasting friendship



2E2'08 ♥
SKY Sport Leader
SKY Netball

Damien and Yan Heng ♥
Hui Min ♥
JingYi ♥
Kai Jie
Kenrick ♥
Regina ♥
Sheng Ning ♥
Ying Jie ♥
Yu Xiang

Arron ♥♥
Danson ♥♥
Felicia Chin
Prince ♥


  • May 2008
  • June 2008
  • July 2008
  • August 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • January 2009
  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009

  • arigatou

    brushes Miss M|VBRUSH|moargh
    inspirationIA-10. LOST IN BEAUTY